Tustin Market Place

(The Market Place)

Designed by Ricardo Legorreta, the famed Mexican architect, this shopping center has no shortage of flair. The commercial buildings are built featuring all of Legoretta’s most signature stylings, including geometric shapes, sharp contrasts of lighting, and bright colors. Even the landscaping overtly emphasizes geometry, with squared bollards, squared lamps, and rigidly shaped fountains. Even the palm trees that are lined up throughout the center begin to look like stamps, indistinguishable versions of themselves, as if they were too a perfectly geometrical shape. (2017)

Architect: Ricardo Legoretta

Built: 1988

Style: Deconstructionist

Type: Commercial

Address: 2961 El Camino Real

City: Tustin


Irsay, S. (2008, February 26). Orange County Hasn't Been Known for its Architecture. Orange County Register. www.ocregister.com/2008/02/26/orange-county-hasnt-been-known-for-its-architecture-but-a-new-book-by-the-american-institute-of-architects-orange-county-just-might-change-that/