Union Pacific Depot

(Old Spaghetti Factory)

Built perpendicular to the Santa Fe depot, the Union Pacific Depot takes on more of an airy Mediterranean style. It is built in a vaunted, multi-level style, capped off with a octagonal rotunda. A row of columns flanks the front elevation, with the main entrance opening through a multi-story archway that has been retrofitted as an all-glass front. (2017)

Architect: Unknown

Built: 1923

Style: Spanish Revival

Type: Civic

Address: 110 E. Santa Fe Ave

City: Fullerton


City of Fullerton. (2020). Old Spaghetti Factory. City of Fullerton. https://www.cityoffullerton.com/visitors/historical_places/union_pacific_depot.asp

National Archives Catalog. (2020). California SP Fullerton Union Pacific Depot. Archives.gov. https://catalog.archives.gov/id/123860228