Old Towne Orange

(Approximately 2,422 Buildings)

One of the largest and most architecturally diverse neighborhoods to be listed on the National Registry of Historic Places, the square-mile plus Old Towne Orange is revered as one of the coolest places in Orange County. In the center of the historic city center is the Orange Traffic Circle with its park and fountain. Surrounding it on the adjacent city blocks is a collection of typically mid-rise commercial and mixed use buildings. Styles range from classic Italianate brick (Ehlen & Grote Block), to art deco (Campbell Block), to neo classical (Bank of Orange/Wells Fargo), to Spanish revival (Orange Station), to the streamline moderne (Watsons Drug and Soda Fountain), to modernist (Orange City Hall). Beyond the downtown to east is a collection of single family bungalows that are equally as vintage as the commercial district. Here homes range in style from Victorian, to mission and Spanish revival, to craftsman. (2018)

Architect: C.B. Bradshaw, Morgan, Walls & Clement, Varies

Built: 1880-1940

Style: Varies (Spanish Revival, Art Deco, Neo Classical, Streamline Moderne, Craftsman)

Type: Commercial, Residential, Civic

Address: Orange Circle

City: Orange


Brigandi, P. (2013, January/February). First National Bank of Orange. OrangeReview.com. orangereview.com/old/archive/have-you-seen/first-national-bank-of-orange/

City of Orange. (2013, July). Historic Resource Inventory. City of Orange. www.cityoforange.org/DocumentCenter/View/196/Current-Count-of-Resources-in-the-City-of-Orange-PDF?bidId=

City of Orange. (2020). City of Orange Historic Preservation. City of Orange. cityoforange.maps.arcgis.com/apps/webappviewer/index.html?id=61cfb52ef62c4bf18b658adf826878d4

City of Orange Public Library. (2020). Six Ages of Downtown Orange. City of Orange. https://www.cityoforange.org/941/The-Six-Ages-of-Downtown-Orange

National Archives Catalog. (2020). California SP Plaza Historic District. Archives.gov. https://catalog.archives.gov/id/123860316